Everything You Need To Know About Infusion Pumps
Infusion pumps have been used in medicine for some time now. Their purpose is to deliver fluids, medications, or nutrients to a patient through the circulatory system. How the pumps provide for each patient varies based on each individual set of circumstances. Let’s look at a simple guide on everything you need to know about infusion pumps.
What Is an Infusion Pump?
As previously mentioned, an infusion pump delivers nourishment to a patient through fluids. The amount varies depending on the needs of the patient, from small to large quantities. The pumps operate in a variety of ways, as we will discuss below.
The pump will deliver fluid directly through the vein. The IV therapy method is best for when the patient needs medication administration, a blood transfusion, or fluid replacement.
The arterial method delivers fluids to the arteries. These are the blood vessels that transfer blood from the heart to the body.
Most used in labor and delivery situations, this is a form of administration through the spinal cord. The amounts are typically smaller in this form, manual delivery is best for accuracy.
The subcutis is the region of skin between the dermis and the epidermis. This is the most suitable form of administration for vaccines.
Infusion Pumps Based on Mobility
The pump we see most often is the one at the bedside of the patient receiving treatment. If a patient is bedridden or chronically ill, a stationary pump is best to deliver their nourishment.
The perk of an ambulatory pump is its ability to deliver fluids to a patient while they go about their day-to-day lives. These types of external infusion pumps allow patients to stay in their homes and continue to receive their treatments. With modern medicine discovering new remedies for debilitating diseases, the use of an ambulatory pump increases.
Infusion Pumps Based on Function
Many pumps that fall into the specialty category are functional in the patient’s home. They are fit for unique cases like those in which a patient needs an enteral feeding pump or an insulin infusion pump.
Hospitals, doctor’s offices, and clinics use traditional pumps. They are typically used to deliver pain management and antibiotics. Syringe and large-volume infusion pumps are often used due to their broad range of styles and uses.
Because the administration of fluids requires accuracy, infusion pumps are essential in clinical settings. Get in touch with Med One Group today for everything you need to know about infusion pumps.