Medical Equipment Rental Services

Medical Equipment Leasing, Rentals & Sales

Welcome to Med One Group, your nationwide medical equipment supplier. Our custom leasing, rental and sales solutions offer you various ways to secure the medical equipment you need, exactly when you need it.

Why Lease With Med One?

Did you know that nearly 80% of hospitals choose to lease their equipment? We focus on transparency with our customers so hospitals can focus on getting the best equipment for their patients. All you have to do is fill out our simple paperwork, tell us about your hospital's specifications and we will start the process with your vendor of choice.

Working with medical equipment leasing companies should always be this easy. Watch our new video to learn how our relationships go far beyond just signing a lease.




Most medical equipment leasing companies aren't known for their transparency or affordability, and from our inception, Med One has sought to change that perspective. We've served as a leading medical equipment supplier for multiple decades, delivering sales, rentals, leases and services across the country.

Because we do it all, we've earned the trust of leading healthcare facilities nationwide. Our team has the knowledge and expertise combined with a dedication to providing medical facilities with the highest-quality medical rental equipment available, simplifying lives and protecting patients every day. We know exactly what it takes for healthcare facilities to focus on what matters most and our commitment to responsiveness sets us apart from our competition. Watch our video to learn more about our culture and how it drives us to success.

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Medical Equipment Rental & Leasing Solutions

Med One is the trusted choice of hospital medical equipment suppliers, full of innovative solutions that cater to your patients' every need. From infusion pumps to ventilators and patient monitors — you can count on us for all of your medical equipment. Our nationwide presence ensures a fast delivery where and when you need it, and you can rest assured our equipment will arrive clean, serviced and patient-ready. Whether you know what you're looking for or are considering various options, our knowledgeable, dedicated team will help you find the quality medical supplies you need, tailored to your precise requirements.

Hospitals and vendors love to work with Med One because of our extremely simple lease document with no hidden fees. We are not like other leasing companies. The relationships we build go far beyond signing a lease as we build financing solutions that allow facilities to get the best equipment available from the best vendors. As experts in healthcare financing, Med One will offer competitive rates and creative structures.

Med One To One // Fall/Winter

Med One To One is a Med One Group publication that is committed to keeping healthcare professionals up-to-date and informed on the latest industry advancements. Our informative publication is loaded with exclusive testimonials, messages, and editorials that come straight from the experts at Med One Group — all provided in both print & digital versions quarterly. Take a look at our current issue today.

  • Med One Group Social Media

    Social Media

    Connect with us on Social Media! Med One Group would love to interact with you or your company. Click on any of the links below to start now.

  • Medical Equipment Rental

    Medical Equipment Rental

    As trusted hospital equipment suppliers, we work with the best and most well-known equipment manufacturers. Our equipment rental ranges from modular systems, infusion pumps, ventilators, therapy equipment, beds and more. All equipment is shipped patient ready. Med One has distribution offices in California, Utah, Georgia, Colorado, Arizona and Florida.

  • Medical Equipment Leasing

    Medical Equipment Leasing

    Our custom leasing solutions provide you with multiple ways to make sure you have the medical equipment you need when you need it. Med One Group speicalizes in creative leasing soutions including: Capital Leases, Operating Leases, Equity Rental, Deferred Payments, Step-Up Payments, and many other custom options.

    Learn More →
  • Bimedical Equipment Services

    Biomedical Services

    Our biomedical facility is committed to making sure that each piece of equipment we sell is patient-ready. We also have the ability to service small departments, or entire medical facilities.

    Each of our distribution sites are fully equipped to keep your equipment clean and patient ready.

    Learn More →

Work at Med One

A career in the healthcare industry is an extremely rewarding opportunity for all those who seek it out. Here at Med One, we are always looking for talented and dedicated individuals that are looking for a career in healthcare. If a career in medical equipment rental, leasing, sales or biomedical services interests you, get in touch with us today and discuss the benefits of being employed by Med One.