The Med One Way
The Med One Commitment to Excellence
Embedded in and through THE MED ONE WAY is the word COURAGEOUSLY. This word is very dear to our hearts. Thirty years ago, we started Med One with virtually nothing. We put on the “badge of courage” and moved forward. We learned much along the way. We had luck on our side, we experienced many fortunate breaks, and we encountered our share of setbacks as we continued our journey. Fortunately, our courage never dimmed.
We learned that it takes courage to be unique and to step away from the pack. It required moving into unchartered territory. We discovered that there were huge risks involved, but we decided that this was the direction we wanted to take. We decided that we were going to be different from any other competitor. When we embraced the MED ONE WAY, we learned the true meaning of COURAGE.
We invite all to experience the Med One way. You will quickly find that it is a refreshing approach and will make a real difference in the end.
Read more about The Med One Way from Brent Allen, Executive Vice President and Co-Owner