The New Normal

By Lindsey Curtis
Whether an individual has been infected or not, every person in the world has been affected by COVID-19 in some capacity. Restrictions have been put in place in every state and in many countries throughout the world. These restrictions range from two-week quarantines for those who have been exposed to the virus, to complete home-based lockdowns for everyone, whether they have been exposed or not. Here in Utah, we have seen some cases of the virus, which led state officials to implement stay-at-home orders. With the fluctuation that we have seen as of late, state mandates for masks have also been put into place. When it comes to the number of overall cases and the severity of them, we have not experienced the same intensity as more densely populated areas such as New York. Though this is true, we as a community have had to make some significant adjustments. As our state is slowly beginning to open back up, we continue to implement changes and adapt to life with a new type of “normal.”